
From humble beginnings, great things can grow. In our first 6 months our enrollment number has increased by 100%. This is a sign acknowledging our great reputation, as more and more parents are transferring their children from established public and private institutions.

Julia and Peter have already constructed 7 classrooms, as well as a small office, staff room, kitchen and dining hall. Unlike Kenya’s overcrowded public schools, our classes are intentionally small, with a maximum of 10 students each. This ensures that everyone is given the necessary attention from their teacher.

This year, our students have been given the opportunity to take 2 excursions. One was to a local fish farm, where the children could learn about aquaculture and sustainable farming. The other was to the world-class Aberdare National Park, one of Kenya’s great natural wonders, to learn about our wildlife and conservation.

We recently received the very generous donation of a computer, which means that Jupiter is the first school in our area to offer Information Technology (IT) classes. This will give our pupils a fantastic advantage as they enter secondary school and later, the workforce.

Most importantly of all, our students are making fantastic academic progress. Our school average, for Standard 1, 2 and 3 is an outstanding 80.6%. This is across all of the main subjects: English, Maths, Science, Social Studies and Kiswahili.