Give the gift of education to a disadvantaged child
In our community, there are many children being orphaned by the AIDS epidemic, other illnesses and accidents, as well as countless others who simply live in abject poverty. We believe these children have the same right to a high quality education as everyone else and we hope that generous donors will assist these children to join our school, where they will be provided with the basic needs of food, clothing and education.
Check some of our students' stories: Child Sponsoring Program
The cost of sponsoring a disadvantaged child to attend Jupiter Junior School is just $250 per year, which will be used to pay for:
- All school fees
- Remedial tuition (if necessary)
- Uniform (including school bag and shoes)
- All text and exercise books, plus stationery
- A healthy cooked lunch and porridge each school day
- Any excursion fees
Unlike other charities which offer ‘child sponsorship programs’, your donation will NOT go into a general ‘pool’ of funds to cover staff wages and administrative costs.
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By sponsoring a disadvantaged child, you will receive every year:
- A photo and biography of the child.
- Three handwritten letters from the pupil (sometimes including their artwork).
- Three pupil progress reports so you can follow their academic development.
- One report from the school’s Principal
- A Jupiter Junior Schools newsletter
- The priceless joy of knowing you have given a child their first real opportunity in life